During our first glimpses of the upcoming Zelda title Tri Force Heroes, the rating on the box art for the game was not revealed. Instead, Nintendo included the standard “Rating Pending” sticker on the bottom left, where the final rating is usually shown.

Many fans, including myself, surmised that the rating would eventually be revealed as “E for Everyone” – that assumption proved to be correct. Nintendo has updated the Tri Force Heroes page of their website to display an E for Everyone sticker below the box art and information column. This is not ground-breaking news but news nonetheless. Gameplay footage and the reveal trailer for Tri Force Heroes showed nothing gory or graphic, with the only concern for parents being minor cartoon violence. Entries in the Zelda franchise are commonly rated E (with the exception of Twilight Princess), so this is no surprise.

Would you like to experience another Zelda game with a T rating or perhaps even an M rating? Consider sharing your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Source: Nintendo

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