Guitar duo The Team Players have been steadily releasing fantastic video game covers over the last year. The team’s work has spanned countless beloved series, but The Legend of Zelda continues to inspire their music. This week, in honor of Zelda Month, The Team Players have released a great A Link Between Worlds medley, joining hits like their Astral Observatory and Outset Island covers.

As always, The Team Players have adapted these classic Zelda tunes to their simply beautiful style. The medley covers several songs from A Link Between Worlds, including “Death Mountain,” “Forest of Mystery,” “Zora’s Domain,” and “Hyrule at Peace” (a personal favorite of mine). Excitingly, the duo also released an extended cut of “Zora’s Domain” on their Facebook page for those wanting to hear more. The work these two musicians release continues to amaze and we always look forward to hearing anything they have to share.

If you’d like to hear more, you can check out The Team Players on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

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