If you’ve been on the internet long enough, chances are you’ve been rick rolled. There is a long history of rick rolling on the internet, something that gets really big around April Fools day. I won’t fully explain what being Rick Rolled is, because chances are that if you’re reading this post, you know exactly what it means. If you don’t, here’s video proof that Link is a Gerudo in Zelda U. I know that was random, but for those in-the-know, it all fits. There is a fan on YouTube called Bobacupcake (seriously, what a great screen name) that took it upon himself to take Rick Rolling to a whole new level, thanks in part to Majora’s Mask 3D.

Through a lot of practice and several videos, he finally perfected Rick Rolling, or more accurately, recreating “Never Gonna Give You Up” on the Ocarina in the game. The best part being that he announced this video by claiming it was a new glitch. Too perfect. Either way, it’s really impressive ocarina playing, and that’s no joke.

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