ZeldaUniverseTV began uploading their next movie series earlier in June on YouTube. This time, the cast who has brought us movies like Hyrule Warriors Legends, focused their efforts on The Wind Waker. The first two acts feature the quality voice over work typical of ZeldaUniverseTV. All of the voices fit their respective roles, and the viewer can appreciate and experience the story of The Wind Waker in a different way.

The first act of

The Wind Waker movie begins with the opening of the game before cutting away to an introductory screen that displays the cast of the movie. Then, the viewer is greeted with the opening cut scene of The Wind Waker with Aryll searching for Link. The voice overs and text match up fairly well, and from there, the viewer can watch the story of the game unfold. The act ends after the events in the Forsaken Fortress. Act two picks up right after the end of act one, and shows the viewers the adventures of Link through Dragon Roost Cavern and the Forbidden Woods before ending on the climatic note of racing against time to find Jabun.

Act two is located at the bottom of the article, so, go watch the movie of

The Wind Waker and let us know your thoughts on it in the comment section!

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