While this past E3 feels like the first time we truly had Breath of the Wild unveiled, reality is the game was technically revealed at E3 2014 under the title The Legend of Zelda for Wii U. While the game had already been in development for years, to the point Eiji Aonuma felt strongly that 2015 was easily going to be the launch year, it turns out that trailer eventually became the basis for the entire game. Eiji Aonuma did an interview with Edge magazine and through that he reiterated that was shown in 2014 was in-engine footage, but made note that one major part of the trailer wasn’t actually something you could do in the game at that time.

The moment in that trailer when Link jumped off the horse and shot the Gaurdian in the eye wasn’t possible in game and Eiji Aonuma stated he “really wanted to put that in the game”. Here is what else he stated about that trailer and the impact it had on the rest of development:

“After creating the trailer, I really wanted to put that in the game. So I ended up making it come true. There’s a lot I learned from that trailer. Once we’d put that element in the game, it made us think: what else can we do with this enemy? How else could we fight it? It expanded to new story ideas as well. The trailer became the basis for the whole game.”

Very telling stuff from one of the minds behind the game. What do you think?

Source: Edge Magazine (via Nintendo Everything)

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