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Breath of the Wild My Thoughts About Zelda Wii U

Nov 15, 2014
I'm just going to go over my thoughts about Zelda Wii U. Lets get started, first of all we got a look through the reveal trailer as we can see that the world looks pretty technologically advanced, we can see giant robots shooting lasers at villagers. Hm? That's pretty strange for a zelda game...

Well now that we know that the world or at least the bad guys have lots of tech available, but wait link had that crazy blue arrow, so is link part of a diffrent tribe? Or maybe he steals some arrows from the baddies so he can use it himself. We won't find out until the game has more details or until it comes out.

As we can tell from Link's clothing that he is wearing villager clothes or a diffrent clothes set maybe hinting that we can custiomize Link by giving him diffrent clothes to wear, or maybe it's like wind waker where if you complete the game you can play again as villager clothes Link. Maybe it's like Spirit Tracks where if you complete a side-quest or collect collectables to wear the villager clothes again.

From the trailer we can see that Epona is making a return in the game but if you've seen the new mario kart 8 DLC then there is a bike called the master cycle, and if you've been paying attention to Ejin's miiverse he stated that he'd love to see the master cycle return in a zelda game. Well seeing how technologically advanced this world is we just might see the master cycle in as an alternate to Epona.

Well that's all I got for now if you would like to email me your ideas for my next thread where I'll be sharing other people's idea my email is: [email protected]


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
From the trailer we can see that Epona is making a return in the game

Um, this is Epona:




Epona has always had a white mane. This horse:


Has a black mane NOT a white mane! Therefore, Link's horse in Zelda U is not Epona.
Feb 7, 2014
Um, this is Epona:




Epona has always had a white mane. This horse:


Has a black mane NOT a white mane! Therefore, Link's horse in Zelda U is not Epona.

It can still be named Epona by default, it's not like it's always THE SAME HORSE over the course of hundreds of years. The hair color isn't consistent in the Link cycle or the Zleda bloodline either.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
It can still be named Epona by default, it's not like it's always THE SAME HORSE over the course of hundreds of years. The hair color isn't consistent in the Link cycle or the Zleda bloodline either.

My point is every single incarnate of Epona has a WHITE mane, it's like a trademark trait, a horse can never be Epona without that trademark trait. The reason Link's and Zelda's hair is able to be different colors is because those traits aren't trademarked like Epona's white mane. Plus there's already a horse that exists in Zelda history that has a black mane like the horse seen in the Zelda U teaser. That horse is:


Catherine from the Zelda Cartoon and Comics. I know those aren't officially canon but that doesn't mean that isn't a real canon version of Catherine. I believe there is will be a canon version of Catherine, and no, I'm not talking about Epona, I'm talking about bloodline that the horse from the Zelda U teaser is likely related to. I even have proof of the possibility that there may be a version of Catherine thought of somewhere in Nintendo's official Zelda lore. Here is that proof:



Yes, in the alpha stages of OoT back when it was just "Zelda 64", Catherine was originally going to be in the game but later she was replaced by Epona which since Cathrine wasn't ever really officially canonized, people now days believe that the beta horse from Zelda 64 was just beta Epona. If that were case, then why all sudden, after trademarking Epona's white mane, would they decide to suddenly change the mane back to black? Because the black maned horse was never Epona in the first place.

Also, it makes they would bring back such a horse that was originally going to be in Zelda 64 since, believe or not, they have been restoring and recycling old beta content for games over the years since OoT.

I'll say this again, if a horse doesn't have a white mane, than the horse isn't Epona. If a horse does have a white mane, than horse is Epona.

Similar thing with Catherine, if a horse has doesn't have a black mane, than it's most likely that the horse isn't Catherine. If a horse does a black mane, than chances are, the horse may be Catherine, depending on the body color, gender, and connection with the hero. I believe that Catherine would mostly always serve as like a backup for Epona like for whenever Epona isn't present, Catherine is.

Final stress of my point:

Black mane = Catherine

White mane = Epona

Enough said.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
A Zelda game would not be a Zelda game without Epona's charm, her wit, her attention to detail, her bravery, her valour, her- oh, what, she's just a horse? And could be replaced by any other horse and it would not impact the game at all? Ok, cool. Bring on Catherine!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
My point is every single incarnate of Epona has a WHITE mane, it's like a trademark trait, a horse can never be Epona without that trademark trait. The reason Link's and Zelda's hair is able to be different colors is because those traits aren't trademarked like Epona's white mane. Plus there's already a horse that exists in Zelda history that has a black mane like the horse seen in the Zelda U teaser. That horse is:


Catherine from the Zelda Cartoon and Comics. I know those aren't officially canon but that doesn't mean that isn't a real canon version of Catherine. I believe there is will be a canon version of Catherine, and no, I'm not talking about Epona, I'm talking about bloodline that the horse from the Zelda U teaser is likely related to. I even have proof of the possibility that there may be a version of Catherine thought of somewhere in Nintendo's official Zelda lore. Here is that proof:



Yes, in the alpha stages of OoT back when it was just "Zelda 64", Catherine was originally going to be in the game but later she was replaced by Epona which since Cathrine wasn't ever really officially canonized, people now days believe that the beta horse from Zelda 64 was just beta Epona. If that were case, then why all sudden, after trademarking Epona's white mane, would they decide to suddenly change the mane back to black? Because the black maned horse was never Epona in the first place.

Also, it makes they would bring back such a horse that was originally going to be in Zelda 64 since, believe or not, they have been restoring and recycling old beta content for games over the years since OoT.

I'll say this again, if a horse doesn't have a white mane, than the horse isn't Epona. If a horse does have a white mane, than horse is Epona.

Similar thing with Catherine, if a horse has doesn't have a black mane, than it's most likely that the horse isn't Catherine. If a horse does a black mane, than chances are, the horse may be Catherine, depending on the body color, gender, and connection with the hero. I believe that Catherine would mostly always serve as like a backup for Epona like for whenever Epona isn't present, Catherine is.

Final stress of my point:

Black mane = Catherine

White mane = Epona

Enough said.

Maybe they accidently made a slight mistake with the Zelda Wii U trailier, or maybe they just like Cathrine as their signature beta horse which will later be replaced by Epona in the actual game?


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
I want to point out that there actually is a consistency in the Link and Zelda Hair colors, as they've all for their respective characters have always been in the same color range of browish blond (kinda of a light tea) to bright yellow blond. So basically, black hair or red wouldn't really work for Link or Zelda.

Likewise for Epona, I kinda have to agree that Epona has set traits so I don't really think that's Epona. In fact I actually just think it's a random horse.

As for the OP, I don't think the clothes mean much, and I definitely don't think that it means any form of customization outside of just being able to switch between the starting clothes and the Tunic, as Link doesn't need to be customizable. However on the flip-side, it might just be my paranoia but I kinda feel like it could be hinting at that, then again maybe not, I mean Aonuma did make a note to mention Skyrim at one point prior to announcing Zelda U and Skyrim does allow customization; I don't know, all I do know is that I don't want it, as even if people don't feel the same way I'd prefer to view Link as a character who's looks and person are important to the lore and story.

Finally, on the note of the Master Cycle, I doubt we'll see it in game, but it could be kinda cool, maybe as like an extra unlockable.


Jul 1, 2012
There were horses in FSA that all four Links could get from Lon Lon Ranch (the owners were Malon and Talon, sound familiar?). The horses weren't actually named, but they had brown manes.

Case in point, I don't think Epona has any defining characteristics. It's not like she's reincarnated along with Link every century. She's just a steed that Link seems to have a strong bond with. She could be a blue horse for all I care.

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