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Majora's Mask Majora's Mask 3D?



I know, Nintendo is still working on A Link Between Worlds & Wind Waker HD, but I need to know right now, "When will they make a Majora's Mask 3DS remake!?" I mean, c'mon, it's been like what, 2 years since Zelda: Ocarina of Time was made into a 3DS remake, and after those years, they haven't even considered making the best Zelda game ever (in my opinion) into an 3DS remake. That's stupid! I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Zelda: OoT 3D, but Nintendo could've at least thought about this and said, "Why don't we also remake Majora's Mask!" But instead of Majora's Mask, they decided to remake Star Fox 64. -_- Ugh. I am not a Star Fox fan, and when I heard that they were making a 3DS version of the original Star Fox 64, I was like, "C'MON, THIS COULDA BEEN MAJORA'S MASK!!!" (But I did end up trying it and it was a decent game, but not my favorite.) Now, hopefully, Nintendo has something up their sleeve for a MM 3DS remake. If they don't but they plan on making another 3DS remake, make it a good game at least. :p I know, different people like different games, but Star Fox is one of those games that really doesn't need a remake. I really hope Nintendo thinks this through, and at least decides to make a MM 3DS remake, or even a Super Mario 64 remake for the 3DS, that would be amazing! Just perfect. But anyways, comment below to tell me what you think about this, and hopefully most of you Zelda fans feel the same way I do. :) :triforce:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
There's no confirmation that MM3D will even come along, although AOnuma and Miyamoto have both stated that there have been rumors floating about.

SO just hold your horses! I want to see it as badly as the next guy, but nothing has really been stated yet.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I feel like the only person on the forums who does not anticipate a MM remake. We have had enough remakes already, it's time for Nintendo to put more emphasis on new ideas.

Is MM3D coming? I bloody well hope not! Thankfully, there has been no confirmation on the matter, even though there are rumors. It's only a matter of time before we get an official announcement, I just hope that announcement tests negative for MM3D.

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