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  1. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Are Remasters Preserving Cinema, or Are Some Destroying Aspects of It?

    Today I learned the 4K remasters of The Lord of the Rings feature washed out colors in flashback scenes as a visual cue to indicate a flashback, and that Peter Jackson wanted to aggressively noise reduce all grain from the trilogy to make it look closer to something filmed digitally. I'm not...
  2. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Are The Zonai a Beneficial Addition to the Series?

    The Zelda series is not new to tribes being added out of the blue for one off games, incorperating new things to the lore, even if in the grand scheme none of it really matters. That's what we've gotten with the proper introduction of the Zonai in Tears of the Kingdom, but somehow this time...
  3. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    2024 Gaming Goals

    Following the trend of recent years, what gaming goals do you have for 2024? What games do you have that you hope to finish this year? Are there any 2024 releases you are anticipating and want to play in the new year? So far my goals are to finish all routes of Nier Automata. Complete my replay...
  4. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Rage Inducing Gameplay Moments

    We've all probably experienced it, that point where it feels like the game tosses maximum friction at a point, and it seems so hard to ever solve or beat whatever obstacle the game has pitted us against. It's so frustrating! A very memorable one for me was "The Test of Fear" in Star Fox...
  5. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Do You Still Enjoy Cartoons As An Adult?

    I've always liked animated TV shows. I preferred them way more than any other type of show for a long time. At some point my peers within my age range started watching other shows besides animated ones. So I tried expanding out. I liked a lot of different stuff, but when it came to watching a...
  6. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 44 - Results

    After a bit of a hiatus the writing competion has returned! I'm going to add a bit of a foreword, if you prefer to skip and go straight to seeing the theme, scroll down and look for the large bolded text, as always. I'd prefer if those interested in this competition take the time to read this...
  7. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Spoiler Theory on the Backstory for Tears of the Kingdom

    Ok, here's my theory on the backstory for Tears of the Kingdom from what I've gathered using the trailers so far. Potential spoilers I guess if I am right? Long before the Great Calamity of 10,000 years ago, the Zonai tribe was thrust in war with the Demon King, Ganondorf. Many Zonai fought...
  8. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    E3 2023 Cancelled

    After weeks of speculation of E3's cancellation, earlier this evening Reedpop and ESA confirmed that both the digital and physical events for this year's E3 are cancelled. This comes as no shock after reports months ago that the major gaming studios would have no presence on the show floor...
  9. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What Are Some Semi-Openworlds That You Feel Were Executed Well?

    Lately I've been playing NieR: Automata. I'm still early in the game, only about 6 or 7 hours in, but I'm loving every minute of it. The world feels really vast to me although technically it can only be defined as semi-open, and it inspired me to pose the question: "What are some semi-openworlds...
  10. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What Is Your Typical Reaction to Gaming "Leaks" and "Rumors"

    It feels like every other week there is some new rumor or leak floating around. Since this is primarily a Zelda and Nintendo themed Forum, I'll bring up just a few that I've seen in the last few weeks. "Leaked" images of a Special Edition Tears of the Kingdom Switch OLED Rumor that Tears of...
  11. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    2023 Gaming Goals

    A follow up to uwu's thread from last year, what are some of your gaming goals for 2023? What games do you want to play, or are looking forward to? Going into 2023 I want to finish Bug Fables since I started it. I want to finish my playthrough of Breath of the Wild. Once Tears of the Kingdom...
  12. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 43 - Results

    Welcome back to another round of the Writing Competition! The holiday season has finally begun, and 2022 is coming to a close! Many of us are perhaps reflecting on our year, I know I am, which leads to this month's theme: Holiday Reflection Write a story set in the holiday season where a...
  13. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    MM-N64 What is the Subtitle Text Font for Bosses in Ocarina of Time, or a close equivalent to use?

    I was wanting to download the text font for the boss titles in OoT (for a linktober prompt, lol). I found the exact font used for the bolded boss names, but I didn't find any definitive answer on what font is being used for the subtitle before the boss name. For example, the font for "Evil...
  14. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 43 - Results

    Welcome back to another Writing Competition on this spooky month of October! With Halloween approaching, it seems fitting to have a potentially scary theme, which will be: Nightmare Write a story involving a nightmare, whether the story takes place within the bad dream, or is set in reality...
  15. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    The Downfall Timeline May Have Existed Longer Than We Have Thought Previously

    So recently Did You Know Gaming? took a deep dive into the cancelled Sheikah inspired Zelda game that Retro Studios was working on. That's interesting news in of itself, and has been news that publications have been reporting on whenever little tidbits about the project have popped up in the...
  16. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Linktober 2022

    The calendar for Linktober was released today. I will be participating in the challenge once again. I will be finishing the prompts early this year instead of waiting until October. I firgured for anyone who also wants to start working on pieces early, I'd share the calendar here! I will be...
  17. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 42 - Results

    Welcome back to another round of the Writing Competition! I'm actually hyped for today, not just because I'm opening the Writing Comp (although this is always a highlight), it's also because today is Odaiba Memorial Day! It's the day in the original Digimon Adventure anime that the Digi-Destined...
  18. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Are There Any Announcements You'd Like to See in Tomorrow's Direct Mini?

    I know we all would have preferred a standard Direct focusing on Nintendo games, and the ideal scenario was we get something on Breath of the Wild's sequel. That sadly won't happen. Seeing as how the Direct will focus on third party games, what are some things you'd like to see or hear? Games...
  19. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 41 - Result

    Welcome to another Round of the Writing Competition! We're very late to get this running for the month, and for that I apologize. It's probably too late to try a standard prompt, so I figured it'd be best to do something a little light that way making an entry won't be too time consuming, and...
  20. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What Are Your Thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

    A few days ago I was thinking about the Marvel movies and how I felt more excitement and investment in them prior to Infinity War/Endgame. That's not to say I've disliked all the films since, I just felt like there was more of a direction, a clear cut overarcing plot that was being built up to...
  21. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    The Broken Master Sword is a Cool Lore Implication, But Also a Clever Way to Weaken Players

    The announcement on the delay of Breath of the Wild's sequel had me feeling a rollercoaster of emotion: first indifference, followed by excitement over the brief new footage we were shown. The Zelda Theorist in me I guess will never completely fade away, so the first thing my mind turned to was...
  22. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 40 - Results

    Welcome back to the 40th round of the Writing Competition!!! (10 more and we're at 50!!!) To start, I want to take a moment to say that I really wanted to host back in February, as usual, but as you all know life events hit me in unexpected ways. So let's give a big thanks to @Azure Sage for...
  23. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Do You Mind Standard Shipping Waits, or Do You Use Express Shipping/Amazon Prime?

    After buying my tablet a few weeks ago, I started looking around for cases because it's a 900 dollar tablet, lol. I also wanted a case that I could use to prop up the tablet with adjustable viewing angles. I found what I wanted on Amazon, but I don't have a Prime membership. My sister does...
  24. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Nintendo Nintendo Issues Numerous Copyright Blocks to GilvaSunner's Channel, Prompting the Channel's Deletion

    It's the end of an era. For over a decade GilvaSunner's YouTube Channel has been the go to place to listen to music from Nintendo games. Whether you agree or disagree with third party uploads of Nintendo music, the fact is this is the only method currently to listen to these tracks on the web...
  25. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    March of the Koroks

    Back when I was doing Linktober last year I met "BuffHestu" and "TC" on Twitter along with some other Zelda fan artists, and through Discord we all kept in touch. Buff Hestu started Zelda Creators as a project with his brother and other Zelda art creators, and occasionally through the year they...
  26. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What Are Some New Gameplay Mechanics You'd Like to See in Tears of the Kingdom?

    When we last saw Breath of the Wild's sequel, we were shown a few new gameplay mechanics. In one instance Link seems to use some modified version of Stasis. Stasis being a rune that freezes objects in time temporarily, it would appear this new version freezes an object and then sends it...
  27. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Holiday 2022 Release Date?

    Unless something really unexpected happens, it's pretty much been confirmed that the sequel to Breath of the Wild will release sometime in the upcoming year, alongside titles like Splatoon 3 and Pokemon Legends: Arceus. I think it might be a little too late for a spring release window like with...
  28. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition: Round 38 - Results

    Welcome back to the year's final writing competition! On account of me being very late on getting this post up, and all the holiday festivities going on, I'm going to try to make the theme for this month something managable with limited time. So this month entries should be: Christmas poems...
  29. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Will the Switch Get An Original Mario Kart?

    It's been 7 years since we got a new Mario Kart entry. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is merely a port of Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U. Since most Switch owners already have this game, and maybe never had a Wii U, 8 Deluxe is effectively the Mario Kart for the system, despite not being original. I'm...
  30. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    How do you sketch?

    With Linktober currently ongoing I'm doing a lot of sketches of prompts for days in advance. Although I'm using my tablet, I am still finding my sketch style on paper is translating to the tablet too. I tend to think of my sketch style as kind of messy, and I make my lines darker than they...
  31. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition Round 37: Results

    Welcome back to the Writing Competition! It's October once again, and soon we'll be celebrating Halloween! So let's get spooky with this month's theme: Undead Zombies, Vampires, Ghosts, supernatural beings; there is a lot to choose from here! Please submit all entries to me via DM by October...
  32. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Ghirahim and Fi

    So last night I had a vision of a really cool scene I could draw for one of the drawing prompts for Linktober. Basically Hylia and Demise in heated battle. I kept thinking about what that might look like, and I figured maybe Hylia was using the Master Sword because we see murals of her holding...
  33. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Linktober 2021

    Over the years many of us have probably heard of Inktober, a month long event throughout October where each day has a different drawing prompt. The goal of Inktober is to just start drawing to improve skills as an artist, regardless of the results. You may think what you did looks bad; that...
  34. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Offset vs Aligned Joysticks

    Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to controller designs. During the Fifth and Sixth generation of consoles we saw the controllers that would serve as the stepping stones for modern controller design. Sony's Dualshock was replicated with improvements with each new console. The same...
  35. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Do You Use Wireless Devices During Thunderstorms?

    Have you ever heard someone, likely your parents, say that you shouldn't use any electronics, even wireless ones, during thunderstorms? It happens to be thunderstorming right now, and earlier I was playing my Switch in Handheld mode when lightning struck very close to my house. It prompted me...
  36. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition Round 36: Results

    Apologies for the late start, this month kind of crept up on me and blurred together with the last one somehow. :sweat: Welcome back to another round of the Zelda Dungeon Writing Competition! I tried to make this concept as flexible as possible, and I'm really hoping it gains interest. This...
  37. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Would You Like to See a Game Devoted to Ganondorf?

    With the whole rehydrated Ganondorf craze, and theories that maybe Ganondorf was the hero from 10,000 years ago in the BotW mural, this got me thinking if there could be interest from fans for a game depicting Ganondorf's perspective of things? It seems out of character for Nintendo to do, but...
  38. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Suggestions on What I Should Play Next

    I recently got Skyrim finally, I also finally got The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. I think you see where I'm going here. These are two Game of the Year winners, and I'm looking for suggestions on which I should play first as my eventual next AAA gaming dive?
  39. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What Zelda Game Have You Replayed the Most?

    Zelda games have a lot of replay value, some of them I enjoy so much that I can replay them at least once a year, maybe more. I started to think, which game have I replayed the most, and I was wondering what others would say to the question, and what estimate they'd give on the number of total...
  40. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Potential Implications of the Breath of the Wild Sequel Teaser

    Ever since the E3 Direct I can't help but feel like the sequel to Breath of the Wild is taking influences from Skyward Sword. I keep wondering what the significance of the sky is, and if it will link back to Skyloft, or maybe to another civilization that existed further in the past? I won't be...
  41. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Rate the Most Recent Anime You Watched

    A flipside of the Rate the Last TV show You Watched thread, this is a thread to rate specifically animes you have finished. Remember to use spoiler tags when going in depth with reviews. As with the other thread, a scale of 1-10 should be used for numerical ratings to keep things consistent...
  42. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition Round 35: Results

    Welcome back to another round of the writing competition! I had a few ideas for a videogame related theme since E3 is coming up, but decided against it. Then it hit me, it's been over a year since we've done a free write! Themes are really good, but every now and then it's just as beneficial to...
  43. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Breath of the Wild The Blood Moon Rises Once Again: A Community Replay of Breath of the Wild

    It's crazy to think it's been 4 years since Breath of the Wild initially released. In a month we could potentially get news in the sequel that has been in the works; but in the meantime, many of us have picked Breath of the Wild back up, or are playing it for the first time – it's a pretty...
  44. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Pick up or Delivery?

    It's pretty crazy that almost any food can be delivered to us with services like UberEats, Grubhub, and other similar ones. I'm wondering how many of us actually use them? I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, besides getting pizza, I've never used any delivery services to bring me food. I'm just...
  45. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition Round 34: Results

    Welcome back to another round of the writing competition! Leading up to today I had a few ideas I was juggling around, but with spring underway, and easter coming up, I ended up landing on something related to nature. This month's theme will be: Rain As the saying goes, April showers bring May...
  46. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Nintendo A New Switch Model to Enter Production June 2021

    https://www.zeldadungeon.net/rumor-new-switch-model-to-enter-production-june-2021/ I'm seriously interested in debating the future for Nintendo if a Switch Pro releases. Would we see exclusive games for the upgraded console because of it's supposed 4K compatibility while docked? Keep in mind...
  47. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    My Rough Pitch for a Convegence of the Timelines

    A convergence can only occur one of two ways, I imagine: If there was some natural law of the fictional Zelda universe which makes it possible, or if there was some divine influence. I think we can rule it out as a natural law in the fabric of space-time – nothing in-game establishes that the...
  48. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Super Bowl LV Discussion

    It's Super Bowl Sunday once again! The Kansas City Chief's are the returning champions, facing off against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lead by 6 time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, who is defying age, and would set a new record for most Super Bowl wins if the Bucs take home the win tonight. Are...
  49. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    ZD Writing Competition Round 33: Results

    Welcome back to another round of the writing competition! To kick off a new year of creative writing, let's start with the theme we've all been waiting for: please write a short story with a minimum of 500 words about Doc, talk about Doc's well defined jawline, how he never ever cries because he...
  50. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    Recycled bits of the Oracle games

    All my fellow theorists, lore buffs, and really anyone who knows a lot about the development of Zelda games, I need some confirmation on something I once read in passing on a Discord server as crucial info for a piece I'm going to put together. What I read was a claim that Capcom not only...
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