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The most annoying bugs


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Bugs are everywhere. In our pipes, in our laws, in our underwear. So I'm bi-curious what you forum dwellers think of bugs. What bugs do you hate most? What was the most unpleasant place you found a bug?
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
Fleas. Some stray cats got inside my house last year and got my cat and my house fleas. It's nearly impossible to kill those suckers and they suck just as much for humans.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Mosquitoes! I may hate a lot of other bugs and arachnids, but at least the other ones - even the ones I fear - don't swarm in the extreme way the mosquitoes do. Ugh, I hate them so, so very much!
Nov 14, 2015
Daddy Long Legs

I don't want to kill them because they eat the more annoying bugs but I hate it when they end up making a web right above my bed
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Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Daddy Long Legs

I don't want to kill them because they eat the more annoying bugs but I hate it when they end up making a web right above my bed

Here in England we call the crane fly Daddy long legs, so the but about them making webs tripped me up a bit. Still crane flies are pretty bad too as they are like flying spastics.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm aware that if all bugs disappeared the world would be a very different place, but even so I wish they would all disappear. every last one of em. I don't like bugs or insects, though I personally don't believe there is any real distinction between the two. Roaches, ants, spiders, scorpions...they're all pests. While some are more common than others, they are all irritants and need to disappear. The worst ones to me of course being ants. why the heck would G-d or whoever allow such things to exist? What's their purpose? They, like termites, exist to pillage and plunder, and they flippin' bite people too. I guess it's a sting, but I say bite. and they need to stop. Itchy itchy.

Azure Sage

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Ok buckle up chumps you're about to get a story

Once upon a time, like 3 years ago or something, I waged war in my bedroom against a very specific kind of enemy. They were invaders, seeking to use my room for their nefarious schemes. There were hundreds of them (not really, but it felt like there were). An enemy so foul that even when you kill them they still have a way to fight you. Yes, I'm talking about the accursed stinkbug. They're regrettably common in my area even more regrettably they're quite invasive and at a certain time every year I'm forced to wage a holy war against them.

This particular year was more brutal than the others. There's a window on the side of my room that for some reason they're attracted to. It's always their point of entry. Even when it's closed they still find a way to get in and hide inside the blind for that window. I have to smack the blind to startle them to make them leave it, and when they do I'm waiting for them with toilet paper so I can catch them with it and flush them down the toilet. You can't crush them or they'll release that putrid stench.

So as I captured one and sent it to its doom, I returned to my room to find that ANOTHER had entered. So I groaned in frustration and captured this one too, and sent him to a swift, watery death. But what did I find upon my return to my room? TWO MORE HAD COME IN. It got to the point where I was actually keeping a length of toilet paper in my room so I could catch them immediately. When the day was over, I had gotten rid of 14 stinkbugs within just a handful of hours. Yes, FOURTEEN. I counted. What a hellish day that was.

So if you ask me, stinkbugs are the most annoying bugs on the planet and if there are no environmental ramifications, I want them to go extinct.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010

Every other bug is scared ****less of humans and runs away. As creepy as they look, they're not a big deal. Mosquitoes on the other hand actively try to bite you and are disease vectors. They're assholes.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Daddy Long Legs

I don't want to kill them because they eat the more annoying bugs but I hate it when they end up making a web right above my bed

I'll agree they are the worst of all. I hate these things above all else but I am of the view there are no more annoying bugs and I'd take anything over having these horrible spiders anywhere near my home.

I use peppermint oil around my skirting boards and coving around the ceiling and also my door frame and windows because spiders hate it.

I make sure to kill these things whenever I see one. If it escapes it can breed and produce baby daddy long legs and I don't want that happening.

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
bees and wasps, I hate them so much:mmanger:. Flies are annoying and they spit in your food:goodness:. I also ate ants, especially the flying ones:mad:. Oh and I hate spiders too and there freaking webs.
Oct 4, 2016
I absolutely hate boxelder bugs. They multiply like crazy and infest your house. Sometimes swarms of them are so thick that they cover entire surfaces like in the picture below.


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Forum Volunteer
Others have already said mosquitoes and fleas, so I'll go with ticks. I feel itchy and unclean for a long time whenever I find one on me. And unlike mosquitoes and fleas, which just bite you and leave, ticks stay latched on until you find them and pull em off.

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