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Things you would improve in OoT


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
certain people may or may not like my thoughts but here they are

-completely redo the overworld: that big parking lot in the middle of the land was just freaking stupid,its definitely my least favorite overwolrd after skyward sword...or before,whatever
-more story involvement: what i mean is have moments in the game where you have some alternate story-related objective that isn't beating a dungeon, for instance wind waker had the cursed sea,twilight princess had...plenty of things actually;king bulblin fights,saving a dying midna,etc.
the closest memorable thing oot had that i can think of was when kakariko village was on fire,but that was only like a 3 minute cutscene w/ no gameplay involvement (by the way,not taking into account things you had to do to get to dungeons)
so in other words,making narrative more to the like of the gamecube zeldas
-more/improved areas: what i have in mind is kinda more akin to a platformer level so i don't know if i should even mention this; but essentially i wanted each area to be more like the zora river section where there's obstacles and such for you to work around,though don't get this mixed up w/ eldin volcano,actually blend it w/ the environment
-orchestrated soundtrack w/ more area specific themes: now ideally,i'd want the guys who did melee's soundtrack,b/c holy crap were they something else,but some of the stuff we hear in the oot 3d trailers would do fine
as for the area specific themes,what mainly brought this up was lake hylia and the zora river,which use the regular field theme so you can see where im getting at here

yeah these changes more so go with if they were gonna reboot the game,but my first experience w/ the game was one that left A LOT to be desired,but thats most likey b/c i was spoiled by gamecube games prior and i had huge expectations when i see it being praised on the internet as the best game ever made; oot was my first n64 game when i played it back in 2009 in middle school on wii virtual console,still remains as one of most disappointing games i've played
though of course this is entirely my problem,its still a good game overall,however i'd definitely argue against it aging well
Nov 14, 2015
The OoT over world is definitely emptier than it should be, but the nostalgia just says that trying to remove it would be blasphemous.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
It has plenty of sidequests and the water temple is one of the best dungeons in the series. It kills me that they dumbed it down so much in the 3DS version.

What would I change? Realistically, nothing. Sure, the fairies are OP as hell, but this is for kids. It doesn't hurt me if they have an easy time playing the game. Unrealistically, I'd improve the combat/horse combat to be on par with TP and add more changes to Future Hyrule to make the overall change more dramatic.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
How about not getting penalized for using the sinking lure? I found found that thing, before the age of the internet. and then felt cheated when I couldnt get credit for catching the big ones.

Also, the Stone of Agony does nothing in later ports of the game. On my 64 cart, it lets you use the rumble pack to sense secret holes in the ground. It was changed to a sound and icon in the 3ds port, but future versions should add the rumble back in if the console allows it. MGS4 added rumble in years later, why can't zelda?
Jun 10, 2015
Rabbit trans-Dolphin Squirrel
Alright, there was this one puzzle in Ocarina of Time that I absolutely loathe. I mean, I understand making a puzzle a little obscure, or even deliberately confusing the player at times, but the design for this puzzle in particular was absolutely atrocious. It was an abomination of Zelda's integrity, it tainted my entire experience of Ocarina of Time.

The Water Temple in Ocarina of Time was nothing to me. I made it through that dungeon with relative ease. The entirety of A Link to the Past was a breeze for me, as all the puzzles were straightforward and well designed. The Oracle games? I squashed them beneath my boot and laughed in their faces every time I progressed in those games.

But this puzzle in particular was so counter-intuitive, so pointless, and so tedious that it's an insult to damnation itself. It ignores basic design philosophy and feels so out of place that I am filled with rage every time I encounter this part. And, no, the rage doesn't necessarily come from approaching the puzzle. It comes from completing it step by step very slowly and analyzing each step. I've gone over this part maybe 6 times total, and I still can't justify its logic or its existence.

I am referring to the puzzle where you wake Talon up with a chicken. You try and explain this to me, because I simply cannot fathom why Nintendo would go as far as to specifically design a puzzle like this.
  • Step 1: Enter Hyrule Castle Fields
  • Step 2: Kaepora Gaebora immediately tells you NOT TO GET CAUGHT BY THE GUARDS
  • Step 3: Climb the vines near the entrance
  • Step 4: Avoid the guards on your way to the Castle
  • Step 5: Stumble upon Talon
  • Step 6: Realize he's sleeping and you probably have to wake him up
  • Step 7: Get caught by the guards
  • Step 8: Talk to Malon, who wasn't there the first time you entered
  • Step 9: Wait for the egg to hatch
  • Step 10: Use it on Talon
  • Step 11: Proceed with the needlessly obvious block-pushing puzzle and enter the courtyard
Above are the steps that a player would take if he played this part seamlessly and flawlessly. Yes, Malon DOES appear if you reload the area, but the player would instead be driven to follow through with the "stealth" section and, if done right, he would encounter Talon without reloading the area. Around Step 7, this puzzle stops making sense.

When you enter the area with Talon, you are given no way back to the fields unless you run through the guards. Now, at this point, you're not entirely sure what the guards do. Maybe they put you in a cell you have to escape (kinda like in the Gerudo Fortress later) or maybe it could trigger a game over sequence. The latter is extremely unlikely, but if this is your first Zelda game, then you're not left with many ideas about what's left in store for you, so you'd best follow that Owl's advice and DO NOT GET CAUGHT BY THE GUARDS.

So you swim around them and find Talon. Then you realize that he needs to be woken up so you can move the blocks. At this point, you're going to try a few things with the resources you already have. Maybe you used a Deku Nut on him. Maybe you hit him with a slingshot. Maybe you played a loud tune on your Ocarina. Or maybe you even tried to move the block, anyway, hoping that the nudge would wake him up. Either way, you eventually run out of ideas, but you know the resources to wake him up must be somewhere around the area, because the only way to leave the area would be to trigger a fail state.

Not only that, but the reason you have to trigger the fail state or reload the area is almost just as bad. You have to do it to spawn a little girl who wasn't even there the first time you entered the area. You went there, you saw it, you KNOW very well at this time that there was no little girl standing there alone, otherwise you would have talked to her out of suspicion. You know that getting caught by the guards would logically only make things harder for you instead of making them easier. Yet, here you are, talking to this little girl who JUST GOT HERE, and ONLY because you reloaded the area.

And to make matters worse, she gives you a chicken egg. You have to take this chicken egg, do the entire "stealth" section all over again, WAIT for sunrise, and then it hatches.

So, there, you have:
  • Backtracking
  • Excessive waiting
  • Forced fail states
All 3 of those just in ONE puzzle. One segment that was so poorly designed that I'm right here writing an essay about it.

There are seriously only 4 ways I can imagine someone logically solving this puzzle:

  • They thought Hyrule Castle was a good stopping point. So they saved the game and quit. Once they came back to the castle, Malon was already there.
  • They happened to talk to Malon in the Market before heading out, which is seriously the only hint you're given.
  • They got to Talon, and left the area out of frustration
  • They accidentally got caught on their way to Talon
3/4 of those methods would basically have you solve this puzzle by "accident". There was no logic to it. No purpose for its existence. It's merely a poorly designed obstacle that felt really out of place and out of pace. Any puzzle that offers design this obscure and tedious(especially when its last 2 predecessors never really had this problem) deserves to be met with shame.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Ocarina of Time, and it has some of my favorite dungeons and characters, it just that this section right here really tainted my experience and the game seriously would have gone objectively better without it.

How I'd improve this part:
There are a few ways I'd approach this
  • Just removing it entirely. Seriously, it added nothing meaningful to the game, anyway, even if it did give you no problems
  • Give the player the resources to wake Talon up somewhere around his vicinity
  • Just add Malon there when you first enter the area
  • Maybe add a way to get out of the area Talon's sleeping in without getting caught by the guards
Other than that, there's not really much to improve on Ocarina of Time's design. I would probably make Jabu Jabu's Belly a bit less tedious, or improve Hyrule Fields a bit. Seriously, you're telling me that the N64 could handle Bob-omb battlefield, but not a slightly more detailed and dense version of Hyrule Fields? I wouldn't even mind if they cut down the size, just make it interesting. Oh, also I would go back in time and have them re-release it on the Wii U instead of the 3DS that way we could have had the game with better camera controls and higher resolution.

It was a very well designed game, otherwise. Like I said, I very much enjoyed the Water Temple and the Forest Temple, so I'm willing to forgive the game for that one atrociously designed segment that you had to sit through. I'm also glad that the Gamecube Zeldas learned from the mistakes of Ocarina of Time and did a better job with presentation. (Even if they did sometimes go to the opposite extreme of hand-holding )
Oct 14, 2013
  1. I would change the 100 skultula reward into a heartpiece. At that point in the game rupees are worthless.
  2. I would move the adult dodongo cavern skultulas. They are just not obvious to find.
  3. I would make Link be required to have all 5 temple icons (whatever they are called, the things you get for beating each of the 5 adult temples.) A door would only open when you have them. This door would be just before the Ganondorf fight at the end of the game. This would make people actually play the game and not just speed glitch run through it in 30 minutes.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
  1. I would change the 100 skultula reward into a heartpiece. At that point in the game rupees are worthless.
  2. I would move the adult dodongo cavern skultulas. They are just not obvious to find.
  3. I would make Link be required to have all 5 temple icons (whatever they are called, the things you get for beating each of the 5 adult temples.) A door would only open when you have them. This door would be just before the Ganondorf fight at the end of the game. This would make people actually play the game and not just speed glitch run through it in 30 minutes.

See issues with that are these:

1. Actually that money isn't worthless because you can use it to buy Arrows, bombs or anything when you've run out, basically saves you having to go cut grass for 20 mins to raise the cash.
2. There are only two Skulltula's that are gotten during Adult Link's Segment and one of those you can get as a child (this is in reference to Dodgongo's Cavern) Also if you are hunting skultula's and taking care you'd have found them as a kid and noted them down.
3. There'd be no point, The glitch i assume you are referring to is the Kokiri forest - Ganon fight in 15 mins, they did put in a wall called that rainbow bridge leading to the tower and people came up with the 15 mins glitch time and if there had been a door just before ganondorf they'd still be able to glitch, Dark Souls did it in the form of it's Lordvessel and yet to this day people can STILL glitch through that door. If they can do it in a game like dark souls which is routinely patched they'd be able to do it far too easily in Zelda. Especially seeing as there are at least three spots in the TOWER itself that you can out of bounds.... hell i managed it and i didn't even get lucky at it (granted my out of bounds led to death due to the game drowning me).

Honestly the Biggest thing in response to point 3 would actually make it so the game checks you have all 6 medallions so you can't fight Ganon, something to the effect of you are not strong enough to fight this foe and you get sent back in time. MM did that and to be fair you can't glitch your way onto the moon and into the final boss (at least as far as i am aware.

Something that could be fixed and it might work out for the better, is the enemy AI, i've done several runs recently in MQ and this is meant to be the harder mode and bar stalfos with the shield clipping i've only died to bosses and two stupid mistakes, the AI should've been a damn site better than what it is. And with the Stalfos i think removing that shield clipping would help a lot........ Anyone know whether they had that skill in any other games?

By Shield clipping i mean they jump slash and even if you move back enough to block it, it'd clip through and do full damage, or when they swing and you are standing at mid blade with your shield up it'd clip through.


May 18, 2013
What's the point in denying people to glitch the game in 15 minutes? Those guys obviously seem to have fun doing that, so why not let them? It's not like you'll have to play the game like that if you don't want to.
Exactly, if it doesn't affect me, that's it's fine.
Oct 14, 2013
See issues with that are these:

1. Actually that money isn't worthless because you can use it to buy Arrows, bombs or anything when you've run out, basically saves you having to go cut grass for 20 mins to raise the cash.
2. There are only two Skulltula's that are gotten during Adult Link's Segment and one of those you can get as a child (this is in reference to Dodgongo's Cavern) Also if you are hunting skultula's and taking care you'd have found them as a kid and noted them down.
3. There'd be no point, The glitch i assume you are referring to is the Kokiri forest - Ganon fight in 15 mins, they did put in a wall called that rainbow bridge leading to the tower and people came up with the 15 mins glitch time and if there had been a door just before ganondorf they'd still be able to glitch, Dark Souls did it in the form of it's Lordvessel and yet to this day people can STILL glitch through that door. If they can do it in a game like dark souls which is routinely patched they'd be able to do it far too easily in Zelda. Especially seeing as there are at least three spots in the TOWER itself that you can out of bounds.... hell i managed it and i didn't even get lucky at it (granted my out of bounds led to death due to the game drowning me).
Thanks for the replies.

My responce to them.

1. That a good idea, if I didn't already have a maxed out wallet full of rupees. Seriously I only ever get that rupee reward once, to have all 100 handed in and that's it. I guess some people could get some use for it. But I never took advantage of reusing it. I never even wanted to (I know I could though). It's just a weak reward for all 100 skulltulas.
Also in the old version you can farm that enemy in the lost woods area (if I remember correctly) with the (I think) big goron sword for a massive rupee over and over. I am a little sketchy of the details of this as my memory of the game is slowly fading, but you I am sure, all will know exactly what spot I am talking about.

2. The last one as an adult is not obvious. I was stuck at 99 of them (I initially used the skulltula glitch to get 100). I searched the cavern as a kid so much. I only went in there as an adult because I wanted to see how many of the 3 kiddie dungeons I could glitch myself into as an adult. End result was I ran the cavern through as an adult and only by off chance stumbled accross it. Apart from this one skulltula, there is zero need to enter the cavern as an adult. I guess it makes the last skilltula a challenge to get, that's not a bad thing in ifself, but it's so not an obvious palce to put it. I'd jsut have walled off the cavern in the adult world and put the skulltula elsewhere. But that's jsu tmy opinion, others would disagree.

3. Points taken. Glitch speed runners will always find ways to break the game. Sure I guess you could make it that you can only fight him with all 5 in your posession. Probably not worth all the effort to keep patching the games. But it is something game developers need to think while making the games. Not fix the glitches, the devs don't even know some of them till the peopel discover them. The devs need to ensure that any possible glitches are useless due to loot needed or other requirements.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Thanks for the replies.

My responce to them.

1. That a good idea, if I didn't already have a maxed out wallet full of rupees. Seriously I only ever get that rupee reward once, to have all 100 handed in and that's it. I guess some people could get some use for it. But I never took advantage of reusing it. I never even wanted to (I know I could though). It's just a weak reward for all 100 skulltulas.
Also in the old version you can farm that enemy in the lost woods area (if I remember correctly) with the (I think) big goron sword for a massive rupee over and over. I am a little sketchy of the details of this as my memory of the game is slowly fading, but you I am sure, all will know exactly what spot I am talking about.

2. The last one as an adult is not obvious. I was stuck at 99 of them (I initially used the skulltula glitch to get 100). I searched the cavern as a kid so much. I only went in there as an adult because I wanted to see how many of the 3 kiddie dungeons I could glitch myself into as an adult. End result was I ran the cavern through as an adult and only by off chance stumbled accross it. Apart from this one skulltula, there is zero need to enter the cavern as an adult. I guess it makes the last skilltula a challenge to get, that's not a bad thing in ifself, but it's so not an obvious palce to put it. I'd jsut have walled off the cavern in the adult world and put the skulltula elsewhere. But that's jsu tmy opinion, others would disagree.

3. Points taken. Glitch speed runners will always find ways to break the game. Sure I guess you could make it that you can only fight him with all 5 in your posession. Probably not worth all the effort to keep patching the games. But it is something game developers need to think while making the games. Not fix the glitches, the devs don't even know some of them till the peopel discover them. The devs need to ensure that any possible glitches are useless due to loot needed or other requirements.

Only foe i know of that coughs up good money is Club Moblin, i think i may be missing something here, i dunno.

Bare in mind you also have that ONE skulltula hiding all the way at the back of zora's domain and that one would stump people till they get the Silver Gauntlets, but i will agree the skultula reward for 100 is pathetic yea having infinite cash is handy but only for a select few reasons and no more.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Here is a video of it on the 3DS version.
It was in the original version as well. Easily repeatable. As adult Link only though.

Ah i'd forgotten about skull kid heh, But to be honest you have to reset that area at least thrice to pick up enough to fill giants wallet and fight him each time.... i'd much rather talk to the final cursed one for 200 rupees.
Oct 14, 2013
Ah i'd forgotten about skull kid heh, But to be honest you have to reset that area at least thrice to pick up enough to fill giants wallet and fight him each time.... i'd much rather talk to the final cursed one for 200 rupees.
Me too but you can do the skull kid one much much before you hand in all 100 rupees.

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