The trailer for the recently announced Echoes of Wisdom gave us a glimpse into how Princess Zelda will handle combat. She bears the Triforce of Wisdom, not Courage, so Link’s style of physical combat is out of the equation. Instead, Zelda will have the Tri Rod to summon objects to use against enemies, or she can summon helpers to fight in her stead. The trailer shows Zelda summoning a rock which she then throws at a monster. She is also shown summoning a Moblin to dispatch enemies.

So, what’s your first impression of this style combat? Does it look intriguing, or would you prefer Link’s traditional sword and shield?

Personally, I’m on the fence. I think this gameplay style has a lot of potential and shows a great deal of creativity from the developers. It seems to marry the open-ended gameplay of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom with classic 2D Zelda. This continues the Zelda series trend of each new entry adopting and enhancing elements from previous games instead of reverting back to cookie-cutter gameplay. This kind of ingenuity is what keeps the series fresh after almost four decades.

However, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a skeptic with this one. Standing on the sidelines while other characters fight in my stead has never been a playstyle that I enjoy. I also question how quick and fluid the combat will be if I have to navigate menus or fiddle around with objects instead of fighting enemies head-on. If improperly implemented, such a mechanic could grind combat’s pacing to a screeching halt, or make it enough of a hassle that player’s would rather avoid combat encounters altogether.

I’m confident though that Nintendo will make combat enjoyable, even if I have some doubts. Keep in mind that this trailer is just a first glimpse. A sharp eye may notice that the Tri Rod is just one option on the HUD, so more is to come.

Now tell us what you think. How do you feel about Echoes of Wisdom‘s combat? Does it look like something you would enjoy? Do you have any concerns about it? Let us know in the comments below!

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