It is said that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but the wait up to that day can be unbearable. Luckily, advent calendars exist to tide people over as they count down the days, and Matt Fox of Culture Cal wants to make a Majora’s Mask advent calendar just for Zelda fans.

The calendar is an 8×12 wood board with an etched carving of Termina on it that looks amazing. Hanging from little hooks are 24 “mask tokens” that represent each of the wearable masks in the game. The user then takes down one of these tokens every day of the advent season until December 25th when the moon destroys everything Christmas hits.

The Kickstarter is going on right now and runs through July 24th with special reward tiers like custom tokens or even bonus custom advent calendars for those who pledge enough. They won’t make it to the $7,500 goal without your help, so go ahead and pledge if you want to count down the days in style!

Source: Kickstarter

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