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Recent content by Uwu_Oocoo2

  1. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Not as much as I used to, since I haven't had the chance to do much carpentry in the last 2 years. But I use it at home sometimes and with VBS coming up I'll need it to help me with the stage design and setup. Just gotta make sure not to leave it behind again lol.
  2. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I lost it a couple years ago actually. I have other tape measures, but I've missed this one specifically bc it locks as soon as you release the lever instead of having to use a little slider thing to look it, which is awesome. I had assumed it was stolen from my toolbox before I graduated...
  3. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Please download the app

    I keep the bare minimum when it comes to apps. I've got youtube, insta, duolingo, discord, and that's it. If I'm not going to be using it every day, I don't need. (Granted, that's at least partly because I have next to no storage space, but still).
  4. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I found my tape measure! My favorite tape measure which I lost and thought I'd never see again!! My 25' Stanley Lever Lock tape measure which is the best tape measure ever!!! Today is a beautiful day.
  5. Uwu_Oocoo2

    How Do You Deal With Stress?

    I don't really have any good ways of dealing with stress. I've tried using art, but that tends to make things worse bc it either puts more pressure on me or ends with me getting frustrated and giving up. I'm trying out Journaling, but that's more for anxiety and when I'm spiraling than for...
  6. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Been listening to the Death Note: The Musical concept album lately. This one is my absolute favorite, can't stop listening to it.
  7. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Last person to post wins

    I know he's a Lego figure but dude's in desperate need of a nose
  8. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Last person to post wins

    I'm not interested in alcohol at all, but considering I often get mistaken for being like 12 years old I think it'd be really funny to try and order a drink after I turn 21 next year
  9. Uwu_Oocoo2

    broadstrokes before fine deets or OCD??

    Both in lineart and coloring make everything kinda rough and messy before I clean it up. Like, I tend to just lightly scribble in where I want my shadows to go and then afterwards actually define the shapes. I kinda think of it like sculpting, you gotta just have a lump of clay and then remove...
  10. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Uwu draws some stuff, I guess

    All done! I was inspired to do a more messy, comic strip type of shading on this one. Hope ya like it.
  11. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got together with a bunch of my friends today to play ultimate Frisbee and hang out, it was really fun. I don't think I've run that much since high school lol but it's nice to spend some time outside for once.
  12. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Uwu draws some stuff, I guess

    Planning on doing the sketch tomorrow, I have a number of ongoing projects and requests atm so it may take a few days.
  13. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What made you sad today?

    Apparently it should be watered every 3 days, but with it being summer I'm gonna try a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. Tldr, I'm setting up a whole new afternoon routine just to get this thing watered.
  14. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What made you sad today?

    It's still got a few good branches left, I'm hoping with all the dead ones out of the way they'll have more room to grow and heal. No way of knowing for sure yet tho. I definately want to do better when it comes to watering in the future, I set up an alarm for it.
  15. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What made you sad today?

    I have this Bonsai tree which I got in the fall, and I've been doing just an awful job of taking care of it. Between getting spider mites twice and me severely under-watering it it's in bad shape. I pruned it today to get rid of all the dead branches, most of which fell off with just a touch...
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